Monday, July 13, 2015

Details for Aunt Pat's Black Coffee Service at 3 PM on Friday, July 17th

We will gather at three and share stories of Aunt Pat.

Food and drinks will be provided. Black Coffee will be served! You will have to find the cream and sugar...

Aunt Pat wanted her service at The Greenhouse. If you have never been, you will understand why. It is a tranquil and a very beautiful place. Many thanks to Beth Holland and Mike Morgan for hosting this special gathering.

The Greenhouse

We are prepared for inclement weather and praying for a gorgeous sunny day. The grounds are full of flowers and a natural amphitheater will be set up with chairs if the weather is nice. If it's cold or wet, we'll be inside the greenhouse with many tables and chairs and it will be dry. 

The amphitheater.

The amount of cars available to park is limited. Please park at The Greenhouse if walking on gravel will be difficult.  It's a quarter mile from the Tolovana Beach State Park to The Greenhouse. Blue balloons will be lining the route.

The walkways are gravel so please keep the stilettos at home.
We are providing a shuttle van from Tolovana Beach State Park Public Bus Stop to The Greenhouse starting around 2:30ish and will return folks after the service. 

Start at Tolovana Beach State Park or The Wayside Inn (3339 S Hemlock St.)
Head East on Warren Way and go under Hwy 101.
On your left, is a gravel road called Warren Way.
Turn left on to Warren Way.
At the fork, stay right and head up the hill.
Go up the hill and the Greenhouse will be on the right.
Blue balloons will be lining the route.

Map from Tolovana Beach State Park to The Greenhouse.
The road will be lined with blue balloons. It is a quarter mile from Tolovana State Park to The Greenhouse.

Please leave your dogs at home. Edith, the humongous gorgeous cat rules the roost and prefers no competition.

Looking forward to seeing you. Please call if you have any questions.

Betsy xoxo

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Rudy's Home!

Monday, July 6th

Rudy was found last week! He is now safe and living with me. 

The wonderful neighbor who lives two houses away from where Aunt Pat was staying found him. Rudy was living in her garage and back yard. We had to feed him for a week and half before he would come close to anyone.

He was on the lam for five weeks and is skinny. I'm filling him with all the cat food and love he deserves. He is a snuggler and wants nothing more than to curl up with anyone who will pet him.

I am so happy to have him in a safe place before the fireworks last weekend and to get him out of the heat.

I know Aunt Pat is smiling from above.

Rudy's real name is Evinrude from the A.A. Milne poem:

I think that I shall never see 
a cat who purrs as loud as he.
Had I foreseen this aptitude, 
I would have named him Evinrude!

Hope to see you all at Aunt Pat's Black Coffee Service on Friday, July 17th. We will be gathering at 3 PM at Beth and Mike Holland's beautiful Greenhouse on East Warren Way, Cannon Beach. It will be very easy to find - Blue balloons will be marking the location on the road. More details to come!

Betsy xo