Monday, May 25, 2015

Weekend Update

Aunt Pat and Sally Horn
Sunday, May 24th

Aunt Pat had many visitors; Sally Jerome, Sally & Cal Horn, Bob & Emily, Muffie & Jessie and Squiggs' granddaughter Marie who was in town for a volleyball tourney.

She was very tired but in great spirits with all the visits, calls and emails. She is only taking morphine at night. Her liquid intake is about the same as the past few days.

Hospice visits daily. Aunt Pat's belly is very distended. They tells me they're surprised she is not in more pain. This is a blessing.

Monday, May 25th

Aunt Pat is tired today. She slept hard for 3.5 hours this afternoon. She is getting weaker and needs help walking to the bathroom and getting on the bed. She needs more morphine at night and a little during the day now.

Thank you for reaching out to her. I know the move to Seattle has not been easy but staying connected to her friends has made the transition easier. You all are angels.

Betsy xo


  1. What a wonderful gift it's been having Pat be a part of my life... I'm so glad that she's had so many loving visitors since her transition to Seattle. Thank you, Betsy, for all of the updates and the loving care you are providing.
