Wednesday, June 10, 2015

When Aunt Pat was in Germany

I'm sharing an email from Aunt Pat's long time friend Doris Rindermann. Doris is German and lives in Frankfurt today. She and Aunt Pat worked together in Würzburg. I loved hearing about how they met.

Dear Betsy,

thank you so much for the auntpatupdate.  My heartfelt sympathy.

I have known Pat for over 50 years and even though we wrote each other only a few times during the year, we felt very close.

In 1959 I started as a secretary in the Leighton Lighthouse Service Club in Wuerzburg, Germany to familiarize with the American language, before I worked as an interpreter for the Staff Judge Advocate of the 3rd Infantry Division (the famous Marine Division)
Everything was new for me, which must have been very funny for the "Three Service Club  Girls" as Pat and the two of her collegues were called. Once we had a run to the Club and it turned out that on my first day I had suggested to a young soldier to rest in the lounge when he had asked for the rest rooms. So they wanted to see this strange  newcomer.

The Service Club offered fantastic programs for the draftees. Many of these young men had never been away from home and were thankful that they could feel at home in the service club with its good and cheerful atmosphere.  We had a photo shop, a crafts room and a huge lounge where we offered  a variety of evening programs. On the weekends we offered bus trips into the surrounding picturesque villages.

A Glee Club used to practice and gave theater performances.  Most members of the choir became long time friends of Pat.  She had such a wonderful sense of humour.

A few years ago, when Pat  came to Frankfurt we met and shared all the good old and often so funny memories. We had such a good time.

Thank you so much for sharing the up-date with me.

Should you intend to come to Europe my house is open for you. Don't hesitate to let me know.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this, Betsy. Keep it coming!
